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    12 Marzo 2022

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  • Descrizione
    [h1]Improved Infantry Combat Experience[/h1]
    Impact aims to address a simple yet overlooked feature in Arma 3 : hit reactions. The current vanilla system boils down to a weird twitching animation, with little to no "impact" to AI units. Combined with the rather solid ballistic protection the base game offers, this can lead to frustrating gunfights, with players unloading on AI hostiles that are barely affected by bullets… Non-fatal shots feel inconsequential as a result :  AI units remain able to return fire immediately, and feel overpowered or robotic.

    The mod relies on a very simple approach. No over-complicated animation handling or scripted damage; the goal is to provide a reliable, efficient in-engine solution to this problem, without "impacting" (haha…) 3rd party addons. Whenever an infantry unit takes a hit, Impact analyses the characteristics of the projectile, and emulates kinetic energy when deemed necessary, eventually causing a brief "ragdoll" state. Even if a unit survives a high-caliber hit or a nearby explosion, it will have a good chance of being knocked down by the impact and falling to the ground. They will get back on their feet after a few seconds, buying players some time in tense situations and adding uncertainty to situational awareness (since the ragdoll state doesn't necessarily means the unit is actually dead), leading to a more "organic" experience. Impact works in all environments, with all types of ammo, including explosives.

    [h1]How to use?[/h1]
    Just load the mod : Impact will work on any AI unit with proper Event Handlers inheritance. Several aspects of the script can be controlled with variables.
    • To enable Impact on players :
    • missionNamespace setVariable ["impactForcedOn_player", true]
    • To disable Impact on a specific class :
    • missionNamespace setVariable ["impactDisabledOn_" + typeOf bob, true] //bob & similar units are immune missionNamespace setVariable ["impactDisabledOn_O_Soldier_F", true] //'O_Soldier_F' type units are immune
    • To disable Impact on a specific unit :
    • missionNamespace setVariable ["impactDisabledOn_" + str _unit, true] missionNamespace setVariable ["impactDisabledOn_bob", true]
    • To adjust how frequently Impact kicks in :
    • missionNamespace setVariable ["impactCoef", 1.5] //default : 1

    [h1]Known issues[/h1]
    • Impact doesn't work on modded units that don't inherit base Event Handlers : that includes Zombies from Ravage, Phantoms from Remnant and Androids. Not actually an issue as this will prevent potential conflicts with 3rd party addons.

    [h1]Important :[/h1]
    In order to work properly, Impact has to be loaded on both clients & server machines.

    Special thanks to my long time supporters on Patreon, and to Johnnyboy for suggesting a better script approach for the project.

    [h1]Want to support my work?[/h1]




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